High-Quality Products for Your Needs.

Herbasana GmbH is an authorized manufacturer of medical cannabis, meeting the strict requirements of §52a AMG, §4 MedCanG, §13 AMG, and §72a AMG. We offer a comprehensive pharmaceutical product range for various therapeutic applications, ensuring you find exactly what you need with us.

Together, We’re Better!

We highly value partnerships that support our mission to improve patient health through medical cannabis. Our collaboration is built on trust, innovation, and a shared vision to expand the therapeutic potential of cannabis and increase access to high-quality, safe products.

Interested in collaborating or have innovative partnership ideas? We look forward to exploring new paths together. Contact us – we look forward to connecting!

Our Partners:

  • Demecan
  • Flowzz
  • Cantourage
  • Bedrocan

Come say high.

Do you have any questions, feedback, or concerns? We’d love to hear from you – feel free to reach out!

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